Tuesday, March 31, 2015

It took SO MANY CENTURIES ;and then why it could not ?
For it was locked- up and ;Covered from people by selfish 'Brahmins' and only the 'Cover' of the book was allowed to be adored not the real substance within.And RITUALISM was named it's God.
That is where BUDDHA succeeded tremendously by rendering BUDDHISM through 'PALI'.
And NOBODY was allowed to understand SHANARACHARYA except the RITUA...
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EVEN ( First ) BIBLE in Germany then in Latin have been translated in English and other Mass- Language over time ! Yet we have to Listen to GEETA & Other 'MONTRA-s ' during PUJA -Time in SANSKRIT from half -literate BRAHMINS ( perhaps ) working in shops or offices and we have to endure it without knowing x-y-z of the MEANING !! That is yet the PRESENT -RITUALISM /-CULTURE of ' this RELIGION ' here !!!. Dear God we need a good interpreter !

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