Thursday, November 24, 2011


A Slap is never  a Violence ; neither in Ethics nor in Social -Regulations .
A mothers slap is a loving slap and I got plenty of them  in my child-hood and prospered.

A  slap by an  helpless commoner to register his grievance ,is not 'Violence' as no weapon involved.
Politicians and  ' Media' before creating big Political & commercial NOISE , should know that a commoner has .here, used  his  innocent hand to record a protest or in  Self- Defence. Here the offense was long-term Scocio-political Failure  o f the  victim..
As 'You get a Govt. as you deserve', the scam-studded corrupt  System/rulers may  sometimes be responded in 'deserving -form'.

So  the people's -Court-verdict -------  the Agent of  the slap  found ---'not guilty' ,
Case Dismissed !

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