Thursday, November 24, 2011


A BPL-Starving  youth  while trying to commit Pick_-pocket gets caught  and  is slapped, kicked , beaten by everyone  of the crowd or even by a lazy passer-by and Society utter in sheer joy  --'crime & punishment' !

And  to day some cabinet Minister  accused  of some social -Injustice injustice , suspected Crime or 'some match-fixing- shame ' or any thing  that is not known yet get slapped  or kicked by an Angry youth  in the crowd  and  the well-off society, here again ,cries out  'wrong ! wrong !!  --our "surf-clean DEMOCRACY in peril ! ! !"

And even some Media channel, while making great money out of showing the event repeatedly and  making a spicy debate on the issue( I think, Channel 55)  laments over; 'such a great & good, 'snow-white ' Democracy of ours  is  getting soiled by bad manners of one or two demented persons''

And well- paid Scholars of politics and commentators,- are keeping the dialogue 'hot' while the picture of slapping the minister is kept repeated  for the Economic  boon !
Really  What a  DEMOCRATIC  BUILD  UP  !!

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