Tuesday, April 10, 2012

I think ,  CRICKET  is not a 'National  Sort' but , in reality a CORPORATE   BUSINESS , of  Billionaire-Millionaire  Film stars &  Politicians  and a clever Device to ' decieve or 'Drug' millions of Youth force for 'Mammaon -gain"

Until  accepted within as 'OLYMPIC - GAMES', it will be hard for me  to  recognise it s a NATIONAL  SPORT !

It is firmly imprinted in my memory  how Cricket , a FEUDAL & then a COLONIAL  Past-Time of Ruling Rich was the CAUSE  of  WASTING of millions  of  ' LABOUR-HOURS ' of  PRE-INDEPENDENT  and 20th CENTURY  Independent  INDIA.

Have not seen a single CRICKET  in my life and don't think I am UN-lucky or a Looser.

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