Saturday, September 10, 2011


Communal Violence Bill is 'dangerous', says BJP; Trinamool agrees
NDTV Correspondent, Updated: September 10, 2011 20:22 IST

New Delhi: Chief ministers of 21 states attended the meeting today chaired by the Prime Minister. The National Integration Council has met after three years.

The council is meant to look at issues like national integration and secularism, and combat communalism, linguist and casteism. Many attendees said given this week's bomb blast in Delhi, a discussion on terror should have been high on the agenda. However, it was the Communal Violence Bill that became the focus.

The draft of this bill has been developed by the National Advisory Council or NAC, a group of activists and civil society representatives chaired by Sonia Gandhi. The NAC is meant to advise the government on major policies.

"We need to recognize that members of the minority community often have a perception
of being unfairly targeted. While the law should take its course, we should ensure that the investigating agencies are free from bias and prejudices," said Dr Manmohan Singh. (Read Full Text: PM speech at National Integration Council meet)
"MINORITY COMMUNITY" --- a logo deviced by some RULING PARTY to ever- dominate and take advantage of the poitical ,Financial and Social turmoil in Bharat ( I hate the name India - an Invader's 'Slang,
. CONGRESS(Anglisicised name -INC) thirives on the word'Minority 'more than any other partiy, like, the same party prospered more on "Garibi hataao" ['70 ---80s)'
And BjP a party (wise outward amd foolish within) must drop the words 'Hindu', 'Hinduttwa'.and 'Hindustan' ann give up the habit of reamaining attached to wrong logos and smelling -habits ( they are more intelligent leaders, -though)'
I.Hindu is not our RELIGION ( vevekananda advised us to dis-card this Persian Slang and adapt ' Sanatan Dharma' or VAIDANTIK'. INVADERS have no right to 'Baptise US as they wish. So og we a conquered Nation we had to. But 'BOLY_WOOD" -INIA has learnt nothing from " BOSTON TEA _ PARTY "
II. BJP wisely adapated -'Bharat' but foolishly lives with the logo -HINDUTTWA !!!Bharat is not HINDUSTAN, thet is PERSIAN INVADER's 'SLANG" imposed on Us ( That they Could not pronounce "SINDHU ' is not our fault.
I have my faith in the same religion but refuse to be identified as HINDU.
Finally there is no MINORITY section , nor was, -ever, in Bharat according to my knowledge. WE never knew Communa hatrd until BRITISH taught us and CONGRESS force a CONGRESS man JINNAH to it (my opinion).
There are all BHARATYAS ,: be they of any religious faith.
There are only three sections: (A) Exploiting PARASITIC RICH. (B) SUFFOCATING MIDDLE CLASS (C)CHEATED AND EXPLOITED BPL on which the FIRST group thrive and SwelL,[ Otherwise ony two --- " Haves & Have-not,s ).
The word "MINORITY " should be there but only to identify the Finanancially exploited Class (all reigions).The Rich 'HINDU and RICH MUSLIM walk hand in hand and go to 5-star hOLTEL for dinner together, after blaming each other in a meeting, Lieaving the BPL -class to figt and burn each other's house in rural villages or urban lanes.

PARTY-pet LEADER to FACE THE DANGEROUS STORM of Modern World of ELECTRONIC-INTELLIGENCE , where his Colleague even don't feel shy to blame CPWD for lack of CCTV whille THOUSND & THOUSAND OF CRORES ARE GETTING LOOTED every day [like 'Breeding Fat Rats FINISHING the STORED FOOD GRAINS FOR THE POOR !] ! !!!!


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