Sunday, September 18, 2011


"SELECTORS A BUNCH OF JOLKER " ---MAhinder Amarnath Qualifies the Structure and Infra-structure of BCCI( CRICKET ).
This Mahandra nath ,I saw and knew as a boy in Railway Coloney , on Punch qui Road,near GOLE MARKET AREA AREA , NEW DELHI . They were two brothers , both Criceters and their father a great player ( though I never saw or see Cricket Game on PRINCIPLE.) ===============================================
SPORTS ,SPECIALLY CRICKET A FEUDAL AND COLONIAL GAME ; NOW A BUSINESS ENTERPRISE with Recent history of Match -Fiixing - Corrupt Practices , has been fooling NATION-WIDE -youth and addicted ones for last half -a -Century or more.
This SPORT-BUSINESS should lose all GOVT.---Support(financial and other-wise) and allowed as a CORPORATE BUSINESS only, as per business RUE.

POLITICIANS , behind the CURTAIN , are locked in Hand-shaking ART.

Better, let the govt. support ,Nationally, the Kabadi Game and build up RURAL AND NATIONAL HEALTH ,with easy means,- gradully , making it acceptable as OLYMPIC GAME , if not , already in.

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