Saturday, September 10, 2011


" MINORITIES UNFAIRY TARGETED , SAYS PM " - TIMMES NATION, Sunday Times of Ijdia, sept, 11, 2011
Is it from SPEECH WRITER'S DRAFT ? --I don't know yet !
To me there is no' Majority -Minority' CITTIZEN In an Ideal NATION.
If there is the CREDIT/DIS.CREDIT must GO to the Party TtHAT RULED FOR THE majority TIME and took ADVANTAGE OF IT SINCE 1947.
AND WHO IS ON THe LINE OF INHERITENCE or "Carry on Jeeve" show??
ONE may be a Super - SCHOLAR in Economy and may not know how to make a meal or RULE even a DISTRICT.
Mis-Placed talents are, some times , danger-Center for Disasters !
On the present SET-UP OF Electronic Age on the GLOBE, the CAPTAIN OF the SHIP on a CYLONIC -OCEAN should have been ELECTED BY the WHOLE PEOPLE of
BHARAT and not frome ASSAM -CORNER, as an mere MP and with more "Heads" above , to GUIDE OR MIS-GUIDE.

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