Saturday, September 10, 2011



I am much older than you and you are more intelligent than me . These are the two estabished truth. Otherwise I am an admirer of you ! Other points are not important (that you are a Master Politician and I was a Doctor (M.D In Cardiology), I say 'was 'because I have abandoned Medical persuit and practise for last 25 years.
The issue of my proposition is the logo 'Communal' with which you attackked BJP which deserved it partly , perhaps. And I am not only a Non-Politician but avoid the company of those who practice poitics. Conciusion : I am not a Bjp nor even a suppoter.
Yet I think BJP is a cleaner organisation than yours and its Root -Founder was Shyama Prasad Mukherjee , a great soul. Now I make Comparive Chart ;


Has an anglicised Name (INC) has a BHARATYA NAME ( BJP )

More foreign gene. Nehru was an Atheist and More Bharatya
lover of western Culture( ess bharatya)

Gandhi wanted to Dis-band CONGRESS after No such scope
Independence but your party cleverly retained the
name for political gain

First Communal stain is on 'Facebook 'of Cong- No such scar mark(was not
ress :Jinnah was a Congress- man but made a even born)
COMMUNAL HERO by Congress.

Has non-communal ID(surface) but thrive better
on all Communal situatios and controvesies and feed on it by Cunning poitics ( to gain minority support).
----------------------------------------------------------- BJP's logo -HINDU & HINDUSTAN
are both foreign Slangs , imposed by Persian Invaders ( you know better)
Congress based its Culture on a Logo -INDIA There is Truely no(Vedantic)root for it too. And the Logo -Hindu hass no sanskrit root'
So BJP'S hold Foundation is based on Faulty lay- out.
'INDIA' is also a greek slang. Bharat is neither
India nor Hindustan. and NEHRU never Careed
for thinking on itdeeply and rectify.( If "Hindu' and Hindustan' -words were dropped the whole Nation would have been saved from AFTERMATH communal conficts and tragedies. Only Nehru coud have done it single handed but HE DID NOT !

To day, Congress exploit Communal situation
And Bjp is stuck to a Communal ID(Hindu) sliding back in spirit)may be winning in Politics
more under guise of Secular 'Make-up'

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