Tuesday, September 13, 2011


" Manmohan Singh Is Nice But Remote - Controlled " _ Anna Hazare; The Tomes 0f India, kolkata,wednesday , sept. 14,2011; p-11.
If Anna Hazare's words carry any weight, the great Moral & National Hero ANNA 's Statement , Immediately Dis-qualifies the Acting PM from occupying that POST of PM , even a second more.. We do not need a NICE and Remote-Controlled - PRIME MINISTER with every cabinet sub-lords directing his move or a speech -writer feeding him with words. And then a Party -president to carry him on Lap.

We need a PM who strongly vertebral , commands over the whole NATION,is not a mummy-boy and not Elected as R_S MP and sneaks into as PM through thin 'SLIT-Door' of ASSAM ( with people -not Knowing).

We need ONE real CAPTAIN or GENERAL, elected by all people of the NATION and for that CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENT is the FIRST MUST.That is more important than ANNA's any other scheme,[ Now he has identified the NICE MAN , well and COMPETE]. If not we the people have right to think that ANNAJi was also influenced by a bribed by PM's sending on his BREAKING his FAST, a bouquet of flowers..

Next ISSUE a MUST is GETTING BACK the Black MONEY in FOREIGN BANKS , solely as stolen -WEALTH OF PEOPLE OF BPL RANK ( within a year for Distribution -Time bound).
Or Else, every promise is sham and MAYA!

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