Tuesday, September 13, 2011


RAHUL --ANNA EXPOSITION : Channel 55, Head Lines -to day,Tues day ,Sept 13, 12 noon:
Enjoyed the talk.But I dis agree with ANNA. I think , PM is not as much honest as his POISE. Even otherwise, a simple honest Scholar has all the right to be a teacher on his subject but for MNATIONAL LEADER-SHIP other qualties are neceasary andthat he lacks.
To be a PM of 1.3 billion people , one needs be voted by whole Nation for the specific post and not merely be a RS member from a Corner of ASSAM.
My personal experience still is vivid in my mind: After A RAJA was arrested & released on Bail and he visited his BOSS ( DMK)in Chennai where PM also visited, I saw on TV , PM patting openly on the back (in public , for giving him the relief , It seemed.)
The VISUAL impression is a telling sight on my mind!

ANNA SHOULD TAKE UP the ISSUE of GETTING BACK BLACK MONEY of FOREIGN BANKs as the next URGENT MOVEMENT and decare it National assetts , on;y for BPL.

ALDO ANY ONE OR ANY PARTY thet wants to join the " TO CATCH A THIEF" programe shoud be WELCOME.
ONLY, NONE to be allowed with RELIGIOUS SYMBOL or ATTIRE (to Advertise their BRAND).

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